The infiltrate USR:
It recently came to my attention that the infiltrate USR is poorly written in that it uses the terms "Infiltrate" and "Infiltrators" in such a manner to make them seem synonymous and interchangeable when they are in fact not interchangeable at all. After discussing said rule with other 40K players, and doing some research online, I discovered that I'm not the only person who finds it confusing and as such, rather than getting into a prolonged argument with other players over RAW vs RAI etc.. I chose to write a letter to Games Workshop directly. This is not the first time I've done so, and it likely won't be the last. Even though I doubt it will do much good, I can only hope that as with casting my ballot on election day, my participation in the process will somehow have some effect. But, that said, I want to again encourage all of you fellow gamers to send GW your own letters. The meaning of the term FAQ is after all "Frequently Asked Quesions".. So if we as players want GW to fix our much beloved game and clarify the rules that are not clear, then we need to be part of the process and ask the questions. Please feel free to use my argumens verbatim, or paraphrased, or to make a unique argument all your own, just please, write them a letter so we can all have this faq'd into a clearly worded unambiguous rule.
Dear Games Workshop,
I have recently ran into some confusion with the infiltrate USR and independent characters, and a brief search online turned up the fact that I am not the only one confused by this USR's wording, so first I'm going to pose a few questions appropriate for inclusion in a future FAQ (take your pic) and then I'm going to clarify for you why this USR needs faq'd regardless of your answer (But please answer, and soon).. The questions (s):
Can an independent character without the infiltrate USR join a unit with the infiltrate USR during deployment, if they ARE NOT infiltrating?
If a unit with the infiltrate USR does not deploy utilizing the special infiltrate deployment method, and instead deploys normally, or is held in reserve, are they still considered "infiltrators"?
If a unit with the infiltrate USR is held in reserve and chooses to walk on the board edge normally, or chooses to utilize the "Outflank" USR, are they still considered "infiltrators", or are they then just "reserves" and or "Outflankers" respectively?
If a unit that has both infiltrate and scout is held in reserve and outflanks, can an independent character join them? The infiltrate USR would seem to prohibit it RAW, but both scout and outflank would allow it.. How is that unit classified during deployment, as "Scouts, "Infiltrators", or "Outflankers"?
The problem with the wording of the infiltrate USR as I see it, is that you utilize the words "infiltrate" (as per the name of the USR) and "infiltrators" interchangeably as if they are synonymous which they are not. In part this seems to be done as a labor saving device in which you've chosen to use the word "infiltrators" when you should more accurately use the phrase "unit with the infiltrate USR".. The difference being that a unit with the "infiltrate" USR has the ability to "infiltrate" but does not in fact become "Infiltrators" until they choose to utilize the ability to infiltrate. To further confuse this USR the description of it reads in part as follows:
"Units that contain at least one model with this special rule ARE DEPLOYED LAST, after all other units (friend and foe) have been deployed."
The USR later goes on to explain:
"Having infiltrate also confers the Outflank special rule to units of Infiltrators that are kept as Reserves (see page 40)"
The problem here being that you have stated earlier in the description that a unit with a model with this USR must be DEPLOYED last.. The way it's written, the deployment of a unit with infiltrate as infiltrators is not optional. You clearly state that they ARE DEPLOYED LAST, and as such could not be held in reserve and thus could not outflank as they had to have already been deployed.
It doesn't say for instance:
"Units that contain at least one model with this special rule MAY BE DEPLOYED LAST" it specifically requires them to be deployed utilizing the infiltration method, making the rest of the description meaningless. It's also worth noting at this point that the wording for the "Outflank" USR makes it clear that:
"During deployment, players can declare that any unit that contains at least one model with this special rule is attempting to Outflank the enemy..."
The wording for the "Scout" USR also contains verbage that makes it clear that making a scout move is an optional ability, only the infiltrate usr is written in such a manner as to sound like there is no choice in using it.
Ignoring the prohibition RAW you still refer to the unit which is not in fact infiltrating, but rather is being held in reserve in order to gain and utilize the "Outflank" USR as "Infiltrators" as opposed to saying:
A unit with the "infiltrate" USR which is held in reserve also gains the "Outflank" special rule.
By refering to non-infiltrating units with the infiltrate USR as "Infiltrators" and then later prohibiting Independent Characters from joining a unit of "infiltrators" during deployment you effectively prevent said I.C. from ever joining a unit that has the "infiltrate" USR prior to the game no matter what method they in fact utilize for their Deployment. If that is in fact your intent, then so be it, but the wording is very confusing. It also doesn't make any sense to prohibit an Independent Character from outflanking with a unit that gained "Outflank" by having the "infiltrate" USR, when they can outflank with a unit that gains the "Outflank" USR by virtue of having the "Scout" USR.. No matter the origin of the "Outflank" USR, it reads and works the same in either case.. And an Independent Character that can outflank with one, should be able to outflank with the other.
I apologize for the verbose nature of this rules query but sometimes it's necessary to state ones meaning clearly even if that means using a few more words. I hope you will consider my questions and revise the wording for the infiltrate USR and hopefully clarify the difference between "infiltrate" and "Infiltrators" and when an IC can or can not join units with the "infiltrate" USR as opposed to units that are "infiltrating"..
Thanks in advance, and if at all possible, I'd appreciate a reply to this particular correspondence directly if you don't plan on releasing a FAQ for the BRB soon as this particular rule significantly effects how my army deploys as the TAU have very few units to begin with and two of them have the infiltrate USR.. Speaking of which, the TAU codex could stand the rules for KrootOx to be faq'd if you agree with my interpretation of the infiltrate USR. The codex says that units of Kroot without a Krootox gain the infiltrate USR.. While I agree a Krootox may be too big to sneak up the middle of the field and infiltrate. Outflanking Calvalry is a long standing military tactic and one that does not require stealth so much as speed. I think the Kroot should be clarified as having the infiltrate USR and thus also outflank, but then simply be prohibited from infiltrating if the unit contains a Krootox while retaining the ability to outflank with one..
Yancy E. Small